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Communities in Schools

      Mr. Caleb Baukman

Working in 2,900 schools across 26 states and the District of Columbia, CIS' evidence-based model connects students to caring adults and community resources to transform how they see and experience the world around them. Site coordinators empower students and families to overcome barriers to school success. They are equipped to assist and support students individually with academic, behavior, social emotional learning, mental health and/or attendance challenges. They can also run schoolwide lessons or events, small groups, and provide individual guidance/support. Site Coordinators surround students with a network of trust they can turn to no matter where they are on their journey. Site coordinators are also able to assist with immediate needs as well( i.e food, clothing, school supplies, hygiene products, etc...). For more information visit CIS website at or by contacting FAMS based Site Coordinator Caleb Baukman (610-944-7634 ext. 30138) or email (